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Dr Jennifer A. Garden
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Jenni received her MSci (1st Class Hons, 2010) and PhD (2014) from the University of Strathclyde, the latter under the direction of Prof. Robert Mulvey. Her PhD research dealt with the design, synthesis, characterisation and reaction chemistry of new zinc and zincate complexes, for which she was awarded the Hamilton Barett Award and the Ritchie Chemistry Prize. This was followed by two years as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Charlotte Williams at Imperial College London, where she researched the design, synthesis and development of catalysts for carbon dioxide/epoxide copolymerisation in collaboration with Econic Technologies.


In 2016, Jenni moved to the University of Edinburgh as the first recipient of the Christina Miller Research Fellowship, which was followed by a Ramsay Memorial Trust Fellowship. Jenni currently holds a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. Her research focuses on the design and synthesis of new homo- and heterometallic complexes, and their application towards homogeneous catalysis and the production of polymer materials.


Outside work, Jenni enjoys dancing, running and yoga.



Awards and Honours

2021    Sir Edward Frankland Fellowship, Royal Society of Chemistry

2020    UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship

2020    L'Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talents Award

2019    Macro Group UK Young Researchers Medal

2019    L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Fellowship

2019    Best Talk Prize at the Recent Appointees in Polymer Science conference

2017    British Ramsay Memorial Trust Fellowship, The Ramsay Trust

2016    Christina Miller Research Fellowship, University of Edinburgh

2016    Poster Prize, London Polymer Group Symposium

2015    Ritchie Chemistry Prize, University of Strathclyde (best PhD thesis)

2011    Hamilton Barrett Prize, University of Strathclyde (best 1st Year PhD thesis)

2010    George Fraser Scholarship for PhD research

2010    Andersonian Centenary Medal Prize, University of Strathclyde (most outstanding final year undergraduate student in Chemistry)

2009    R&D Bronze Award, GlaxoSmithKline

2009    Poster Prize, Analytical Science Day, GlaxoSmithKline

2008    RSC Award for Analytical Chemistry

2007    Carnegie Undergraduate Scholarship

2007    Pfizer Scholarship, Veterinary Medicine Discovery Centre

2006    Wyndham Williams Mathematics Prize, University of Strathclyde


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